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Enitiatives is a non-for-profit organization, and until now, primarily based on voluntary work.

If you like the concept, if you too, think that everyone can improve our society, you can participate! How?

There are certain tasks which require a certain time investment in the beginning, then almost none, like e.g.

  • translating the site into the other national languages (and proof-reading it...)
Other tasks require work better distributed over time, like e.g.
  • reading the news and informing those who could possibly profit from Enitiatives that the site exists
  • reviewing new Enitiatives and approving them (each Enitiative must be approved before appearing on the site and search agents are sent, to avoid spam and abuse!)
  • translating the new texts on the site (those which appear after the first translation)
Of course, the Working groups have also an important role to play, but it is for one Enitiative only; these jobs are for the whole site!

If one of these tasks is of interest to you, please contact us, specifying which job.

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